BKGaming: Well you would have point if it wasn't still OPTIONAL but seeing how it is... you point is what exactly? What is there to argue over? Annoying... sure... bad choice... sure... less OPTIONAL, not really.
Call me when you can't disable it and/or play without it...
The problem's in the execution: instead of using Galaxy being the option, now the option will be
not using Galaxy. A subtle distinction, to be sure, but what are the effects? Just a couple things off the top of my head:
1) If you happen to make an error during installation of your game, you'll end up installing Galaxy - something you don't want (this presupposes the user that actually has no interest in it). So, then you have to uninstall it - yeah, again, no big deal. But a pain in the ass. And this has the potential of happening repeatedly. The other way around, if you mess up, you just end up not installing Galaxy and just grab the software and install it. And you never have to worry about it again.
2) It adds bloat to the off-line installers. Again, not a big deal, as Fables seemed to indicate they were working on making the installers smaller anyway. But... it still makes the installers larger than they would be without it included. An issue for some people with limited bandwidth and/or storage space.
3) These are
offline installers. Why would people that want off-line installers want Galaxy in the first place?
4) GOG is presenting this as convenience because the average user isn't 'tech-savvy' enough to install Galaxy themselves and apparently not 'tech-savvy' enough to choose to
opt-in. (This is actually GOG's explanation). This is so incredibly ridiculous that one has to wonder why they're really doing it.