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How I Met Your Mother bored be to tears. It's just so extremely toothless and bland and safe.

Big Bang Theory is a given. I think I'll just let 4chan take it away.
Shaolin_sKunk: @All the mentions of Lost: I'm not fond of the show but I was under the impression that most people considered it an underwhelming show anyway so I fail to see how that makes it overrated.

Ohhh, now I get it!
It went on for six seasons, had 11 million US viewers per episode, and won numerous awards. Whether it deserves it is a matter of opinion (obviously, many people in this thread think not), but I don't know how you got the idea that most people considered it underwhelming.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by BadDecissions
Tarm: The latest Battlestar Galactica TV show. I can't stand that soapy teen angst drama crap.
Can't agree. They aren't teenagers, the "angst" is understandable and the drama isn't crap. You try being the last people alive and see how "angsty" you get.
BadDecissions: *snip*
Let's just say this: before I saw the ending I would have given Lost 4/5 stars, after the ending 2/5 stars.

The ending is just so important in a show as wrapped up in its own mystery as Lost was and what the entire series ultimately led up to was a total ass-pull and damaged the series as a whole. That was the feeling I got from the fandom anyway.
FoxySage: I never found it interesting to watch either. It might be a good show, but it just seem boring to me. Then again i've never really been that interested in the sci-fi genre to begin with...
keeveek: haha, I remember after ST: Into Darkness some of my nerdy friends told me to watch Wrath of Khan "It's so much better, keeveek!"

No, it wasn't. It was just bunch of dudes standing and talking for almost 2 hours.
The Wrath of Khan is a much better movie if you've seen the episodes from the original series and already know what has happened prior to the movie. Alone it's not as good as Into Darkness is on its own.
FoxySage: I never found it interesting to watch either. It might be a good show, but it just seem boring to me. Then again i've never really been that interested in the sci-fi genre to begin with...
keeveek: haha, I remember after ST: Into Darkness some of my nerdy friends told me to watch Wrath of Khan "It's so much better, keeveek!"

No, it wasn't. It was just bunch of dudes standing and talking for almost 2 hours.
Can't really comment on that since i never watched those Star Trek movies,
keeveek: haha, I remember after ST: Into Darkness some of my nerdy friends told me to watch Wrath of Khan "It's so much better, keeveek!"

No, it wasn't. It was just bunch of dudes standing and talking for almost 2 hours.
FlamingFirewire: The Wrath of Khan is a much better movie if you've seen the episodes from the original series and already know what has happened prior to the movie. Alone it's not as good as Into Darkness is on its own.
IMO Darkness was just a remake of Wrath and done badly. I could go on and on about the films problems and admit I may be biased since I'm a fan of most of the shows and movies but I feel there are legitimate gripes with the film especially when comparing it to Khan which is one of the best written and directed sci fi movies imo. For a good portion of the film in Darkness, the point and theme aren't identified and aren't clear by the end of the film. The hallmark of any good form of storytelling is being able to tell the story and theme clearly. Let me illustrate by showing the plots from Khan and Darkness. We'll start with Khan:

Basic Plot: enemy from the past hijacks ship and attempts to kill the hero and his friends.

Side Plots: Kirk dealing with his old age, Kirk dealing with family problems, The Genesis Bomb; fear of it being used by Khan and the fact it can destroy and create a world in one go, the death of spock,

Now let's see Into Darkness:

Basic Plot: Enemy commits terrorist act, crew tries to capture terrorist, befriends enemy since it's revealed an immoral ally is to blame for the situation, goes back home to tell everyone about the immoral ally, confronts immoral ally and wins, new ally wants to leave with his people on the kind of hijacked ship, hero's won't let him leave due to an alternate reality rumor, now crew must stop former ally from crashing ship into San Francisco.

Side Plots: Kirk loses command...again, breaking peace treaties by going into Klingon space, one mission expert is revealed to be the immoral politicians daughter, Kirk dies...and is then resurrected.

As you can see the plot for Darkness is not very basic. Also you notice the side plots don't support the main plot at all or have bearing on the films theme at all. This leaves the audience in a sort of what just happened as they try to figure out the point of the story. In the case of Khan all the side plots are tied to the main plot.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Trajhenkhetlive
Bumping with another Nipponese cartoon: K-On! It's the favorite show of the president of the anime club I'm in, so I figured I'd check it out. It's just meh. As far as I can tell it's like every moeblob show ever made.
Friends, Seinfeld, Glee (I f**** hate this show)
I know I got a lot more but right no cant remember
All the TV shows I do not like are overrated. I don't have the 10 hours to spare to list them all.
Post edited December 29, 2013 by monkeydelarge
My opinion is that overrated is overused.

I missed this thread and it has been a nice read (didn't read all however), but I really spenr to much time sorting the 'I don't like this show' opinions from the 'it's clearly overrated'.

To bring substance to an 'this is overrated' opinion you need :
1) to have an opinion that differs from the majority. If 2 guys out of ten love a piece of crap, you can't say that piece of crap is overrated.
2) to mention what is your referential, a comparison always help to conceptualize. Example : "Meh, GoT is overrated, Rome has as much nude people and blood, and they didn't have a book to begin with, they had to reinvent actual history !'
3) mention the overrater. Saying 'All those guys think GoT is the best book ever ! They are overrating !' is pointless when 'those guys' are people who don't usually read books or guys on TV (these ones don't know how to read outside a prompter to begin with. Or an iPad.)

That was my last two cents of the year.

Sidenote : I really like the Rome sho, the GoT book and the GoT show. I liked the book better when there weren't so much spotlight.