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Leroux: In other words, by your standard nothing is good enough to deserve the praise it gets? ;)
ChrisSD: Yes! They're just TV shows but as soon as they get popular people start making all these hyperbolic statements that no show can live up to.
I have to agree to a degree. Though I can also see why that the way you come across has evidently made some people displeased.
SovietSharkey: I agree with that about newer episodes
Originally it was pretty good and had an appeal to all kinds while now it focuses on just insulting things conceived as "nerdy" at every possible time and focuses more on sex jokes than intelligent humour
It made being a comic fan hard when people I know decided that show was the description of everyone who likes them :(
SovietSharkey: You don't need BBT, you have IT Crowd. The rest of us, must live with BBT since they don't air IT Crowd here in LA.

Anyway, back on topic, I might have missed it but I don't think anyone has mentioned it, yet:

CSI: <name your state here>
Elmofongo: Hey if the Passion of the Christ, which earned the highest box office for an R Rated film, use the ancient langauge of the biblical time and got away with it. I am sure any other show like Game of Thrones could pull it off.
Don't overlook the fact that the subject matter is what attracted a vast percentage of the audience. I'm pretty certain that any other 'genre' wouldn't fly with that approach.

As far as your point about swearing goes, see what ChrisSD said.
Coelocanth: There's actually a good reason for that. If they used the period-accurate swearing, it would sound so anachronistic to our ears (and some would sound outright ridiculous) that it would be even worse than using the modern terms. Sometimes complete accuracy detracts from the production and swearing is one instance where this generally is the case when the setting is medieval or based on medieval times.
spindown: They also generally use present-day British accents for medieval fantasy settings. No one used to sound like that hundreds of years ago. But if they used period-accurate and grammar and accents (as far as you can reconstruct them) few people would be able to understand the actors.
Yes, English evolved too much and too vastly to use archaic English in shows. Although I like when shows use some archaic flavouring. Not because it makes it realistic, but because it makes it unique and awesome.

Cursing is not an issue, because from what I know, people were generally more brutal with their language than we are today.
Post edited December 10, 2013 by keeveek
Fictionvision: Granted it does seem to get it's share of hate online, after watching about 5 minutes of one episode of The Big Bang Theory I saw no possible explanation for how that has managed to be on the air for years now.
Could say the same for the Simpsons :D
For me, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I heard so much about it being this amazing show despite its theme and appeal to those that grew up watching older cartoons on Cartoon Network like the Powerpuff Girls and what not. I grew up watching Powerpuff Girls (Yes... I did, and no I am not crazy... ok maybe I am!) and was aware of Lauren Faust's work and right when I watched a few episodes of the show... I failed to see what the point was. All I saw was a show meant for a young female demographic that was just not my cup of tea, not this throwback to older shows I watched. I do not hate the show, if anything it is a harmless show, but it kind of amazed me how popular this show got with the demographic I fall under.
nresteiner: Mad Men. I guess if you grew up during the time period, then it triggers some sort of nostalgia rush, but since I'm 24, it doesn't really have the same effect. Also, I find it just plain boring.
I thought everyone watched that one for the Redhead with the curves. She got me to watch a few episodes. That show just needs to be on Cinemax.
Revolution - I tried to like it, but it's awful. Watched four episodes thinking it has to get better, but it didn't.

I'd like to add Breaking Bad, but I never even watched one episode. The subject matter just didn't get me to watch, a chemistry teacher turned meth cooker...ooh I just have to watch that one.
Post edited December 10, 2013 by jjsimp
jjsimp: Revolution - I tried to like it, but it's awful. Watched four episodes thinking it has to get better, but it didn't.
I think the mid-season break was when it picked up pace (like almost all TV shows, actually).
jjsimp: I thought everyone watched that one for the Redhead with the curves. She got me to watch a few episodes. That show just needs to be on Cinemax.
Mad Men is one of the best shows ever created. Not only it has deep psychological character study, it also has wonderful, detailed setting. Every character is different, but all of them are fleshed out individuals, with their own characteristics and backgrounds.

I watched entire series in less than a month and now I am waiting eagerly for the last two halves (yes...) of the final season.

Fesin: I think the mid-season break was when it picked up pace (like almost all TV shows, actually).
It's still pretty stupid. The writers couldn't handle the setting they created.
Post edited December 10, 2013 by keeveek
Fesin: I think the mid-season break was when it picked up pace (like almost all TV shows, actually).
keeveek: It's still pretty stupid. The writers couldn't handle the setting they created.
I give a show 4 episodes and if it just doesn't draw my attention to at least one aspect of the show, I won't watch another episode. This show had me checking the GOG forums every few minutes. I fear this one will last a long time on the air.
Well a lot of modern shows imo are way overrated, the biggest offenders to me are:

Lost: I tried watching the first 7 episodes and just could not get into the show. It felt like the shows writers or producers were making stuff up and had no real end to the show until someone felt enough was enough.

Law and Order (whatever edition): Talk about telegraphing the end of the show.

CSI: X-Files without the aliens or the monsters and medium level telegraphing.

Firefly: Yes the show could have been good with more episodes, it could also have been horrid with more episodes, we'll never know. It's not like Brisco County Jr which had an entire season, almost survived the Friday night death slot, and managed to wrap up all of it's plot lines in one season.
keeveek: Mad Men is one of the best shows ever created.
As with Breaking Bad, the subject matter just did not interest me. It may be the greatest show but I have no interest in watching a story about Ad men.
I think I am starting to lose interest to The Walking Dead. It mostly doesn't seem to be going anywhere, it is just an ongoing drama of people trying to survive, and I kinda dislike the main protagonist for the undecided wussy that he is. In the first season there was a clear objective (they tried to reach a base which was supposed to have a cure for the zombie disease or something), but not really after that.

But I admit the latest season 4 episode made things a bit more interesting again, and now there is apparently a pause of several months before more episodes come out. When things seem to slow down, the series makers seem to do something drastic with the story to make you wonder, like killing a few of the central key characters.

I already lost interest to True Blood much earlier, same thing, it wasn't really going anywhere anymore (even though I still find that one actress, the sister of Wesley Snipes (Rutina?), quite hot). Frankly, there isn't much on the TV I really want to watch anymore, besides some movies I haven't seen yet. I haven't even tried to start watching Spartacus, Game of Thrones or whatever are the ongoing other series I am supposed to watch. After all, most of my free time is eaten by playing Icewind Dale at this point. Gaming really has lately made me watch TV much less.
Post edited December 10, 2013 by timppu
jjsimp: As with Breaking Bad, the subject matter just did not interest me. It may be the greatest show but I have no interest in watching a story about Ad men.
To be honest, Breaking Bad is one of the overrated shows. It's so overrated mostly because it's easily accessible to all audiences. Which is obviously a plus, but the writing level of Breaking Bad isn't nearly as good as Mad Men's. My favourite BrBa seasons were 1-3, past that the show seriously declined in quality, but somehow it's the time it got the most hype and publicity.

Mad Men despite being a show about... Ad men, is actually a very universal story not only about yuppies, richboys, but also about middleclass, feminism, racism, galloping consumptionism and everything that was going on in America during the era.

AS a non-American, this is a fascinating setting for me, and the writers depicted it perfectly.
timppu: But I admit the latest season 4 episode made things a bit more interesting again, and now there is apparently a pause of several months before more episodes come out. When things seem to slow down, the series makers seem to do something drastic with the story to make you wonder, like killing a few of the central key characters.
Post edited December 10, 2013 by keeveek