Telika: In fact, not just the swear words, but all the phrasing, in these series, are very modern, with recent fashionable expressions like "you don't want to do this", etc... It's kinda ok to me in Game of Thrones because it's an invented fantasy setting, so why not, but in a historical setting (such as Rome), it really irks me.
I loved Spartacus for their "invented" archaic language, but I understand many of the viewers are confused and the main reason why television doesn't use archaic flavouring is because people wouldn't understand it.
SovietSharkey: You did not just insult Doctor Who, Arrested Development and Arrow in my sight :(
My heart can't take this list without crying
I've seen the pilot of Doctor Who 2005 and thought it's decent. Then I saw the second episode (last day of the earth or something) and it was fucking horrible. One of the worst things I've ever seen in my life.
And then my journey with New Doctor Who ended.