Sherlock. The production values are good, it's directed with vim and verve, and of course Benedict Cumberbatch, besides having the most frabjous name ever, is a force in the role, with his piercing blue eyes and dandyish scarves. But.... for all the rabid fandom it inspires, I just can't get on board with this show. Most of the time I feel too browbeat with Sherlock's machine-gun rat-tat-tat fire of perspicacious, flawlessly brilliant deduction, and if it goes on too long (and frankly that's most of the time), it just sucks all the air out of a scene and leaves me as irritated as poor rumpled Watson, trying to coax more humanity out of the Benedict Difference Engine. Oddly enough, all my friends and girlfriend though I'd just love this show, and thought I was very similar to the lead character in manner and temperament. But I think just the inverse. I guess in my TV shows I need my protagonists to be emotionally damaged headcases who lay the drama on thick. Why else would I be such a huge Six Feet Under fan?