Tarm: That's because they don't want anyone to think that they didn't understand the show.
Coelocanth: Lost is actually what pops into my head right away. I saw the first couple episodes when it first aired, thought it was stupid, and never bothered with it again. I don't think I'd say I didn't understand it. I just didn't like it.
Well a lot of people seem to be under the impression that everything in Lost is planned, means something and is important. Also that its story was more or less thought out from the beginning and if they say they don't like the show they admit they are stupid because they would like it if they understand it.
It's a load of crap so I don't know why many think so. :P
Oh and they also believe it have great drama and is sooo well written in that department. That's crap too. Annoying and stupid characters doesn't make drama good. Especially if coupled with weird situations.
reaver894: Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
Dont get me wrong, i watched a fair few when there was nothing else to watch but the focus on politics got boring fast. And if im remembering correctly they had the Defiant that was a cloaky ship, except (and again this is if my star trek lore is accurate) that the Federation had signed a treaty regarding cloaky ships, yet they used it a lot and even flew it with the Klingons.
And While we are on the topic of Star Trek, the newer one, Enterprise, load of shite.
I don't understand why Deep Space Nine is so praised either.
In my case I simply found the characters and the setting of being on a stationary space station boring.