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Like that the Sigil understands it's dangerous to nominate Sachys:)
Best comment of the year!
QC: You've been in all of the threads anyway!!!!
You need to be linking examples! Also, you've nominated her as a gifter rather than highliting her other qualities first (which is more in the spirit of things if you re-read the OP). So, please take a little time to edit your post to reflect that better! :)
Sachys: If there were better options when posting I could do something about it to differentiate their words from mine. As it stands, nobody has an excuse to not notice the OP at least! Heheh!
Aye, post formatting options are a bit thin on the ground here. Though it does stop folks from rainbow texting and font bombing.

I fear my nomination is likely to be coloured by my brief time on GOG, so I hope I don't slight someone who has done years of good for the community by only noticing those folks I've interacted with over the past half-year.
QuantumLeapFrog: Why is is going to be random? Doesn't it make more sense for the person who gets nominated the most times to win? That way it would represent who the majority of the community believes is the best goglodyte.
Perhaps, but there are those that will nominate purely on favouritism. This is also why the OP encourages people to nominate non-gifters.
It was a difficult choice to make, but I may add a second award from my own pocket of a "GOGlodytes choice" to reflect that concern.
Another reason we're asking for considered nominations and to put non-giters / non-gifting qualities first and foremost
Post edited November 21, 2013 by Sachys
I nominate Austrobogulator for making and organizing the 'Games Finished in 2013' thread.
Edit: Oops, I can only nominate one person? Well, okay then.
Post edited November 21, 2013 by SCPM
I nominate tinyE. He shows that a sense of humor is a must have if you want to get by in life without a heart attack.

Plus he has a way of inspiring people. Check here:
I nominate nobody. We're a great community, and WE are awesome. Anybody is better, but we're together really awesome ! I love you, all of you :-)
Post edited November 21, 2013 by benderz
Many names come to mind: I am completely unable to determine an absolute winner, and therefore I will not vote.
Anyway, I find The Sigil's idea very intriguing and would like to thank it and Sachys, as always.
Well I hate having to pick someone above the rest, especially because virtually everybody in the forums is awesome and it would be very difficult for me to say someone is better.

Therefore, after a long and arduous decision-making process, i have come to the conclusion that I think The Sigil deserves this award.

Here's a link to show their(his/her) contribution to this community.

They(/he/she) have shown not only that they care for this board by making weekly giveaways, but that they(/he/she) care about the board members themselves since these giveaways are made honoring members who are no longer present. So not only do they(/he/she) gift to the community but they(/he/she) also care for it. Even though we cant see the sigil's avatar and we arent able to pm them(/him/her), I believe their presence is strong enough for us to consider them(he/she) as a user in their(his/her) own ways.
Not to mention, I'm curious to see what happens if they(he/she) win. :)

(I also read the OP carefully and nowhere does it say we cant nominate the Sigil)
Post edited November 21, 2013 by QuantumLeapFrog
tfishell is my pick for GOGlodyte of the year. Here's why:
QuantumLeapFrog: (I also read the OP carefully and nowhere does it say we cant nominate the Sigil)
It does now - they've been watching! - they also wish for me to pass their thanks, but also that you should edit your post to nominate properly.
Post edited November 21, 2013 by Sachys
I nominate ConnieThunder for heroically maintaining the most thorough list(s) of GOG games and their status (installer versions, crc, md5, sha1 values, etc.).
(That's the best I can do, as the content that supports his nomination is on another site, linked to in the chosen post)

Sachys: If there were better options when posting I could do something about it to differentiate their words from mine.
You can always wrap their words in quotes - that way they'll appear in italics and differentiate from yours :-)
As a forum goer I'd describe myself mostly as a lurker, aside from jumping in on some game specific threads to offer advice on my favorite games or just to goof off or enter a giveaway. However, I do enjoy reading some of the discussions on here even if I don't participate in them myself.

In particular, users like StingingVelvet and JMich always seem to have interesting things to say, whether it's just to discuss or providing useful information (like when JMich lays out the release numbers for classics vs indies for example). IamSinistars posts are lucid and well written, Novotnus always seems to have suggestions for games I've never heard before... and on and on. There are lots more, including the extremely generous gifters and those who answer questions in the game specific subforums as well.

If I had to pick one, I'll go with JMich and present [url= ]this [/url]thread he made on Torment: Tides of Numenara as an example.

Thanks to all the nominees, you guys are great - and good luck!
Ok, ok, already - major edit that also includes links ;-p

Spoderman has got my vote for being majorly informative about games and bundles - I may not always want to buy those but because he makes a point to post threads, I can be sure never to miss one that I do want!

Other notable informants include triock, SirPrimalForm, OmegaX, amok, dyscode, nijuu, Psyringe, IAmSinistar, BarryWoodward, BarefootMonkey and so many, many more… I especially love that JMich seemingly lurks and then pounces with needed help!

Annual events: Nmillar for hosting the annual GOG Secret Santa and wpegg for the bi-annual Nasty Giveaway. It’s good to see that GOG has a number of long-standing traditions!

Monthly & Weekly events: Rodzaju for his monthly “What will GOG do?”. I’ve given up guessing long ago but it’s always a fun read ;-) Xyem for his weekly gifts and completely fun Dogma game –that was so much fun! Lou for his birthday 50-week-long-gifting extravaganza. And sadly, among the missing – Ian and Homer...:-(

Puzzle-makers Inscrutable: Austrobogulator and Novotnus – GAH! And RadonGOG’s Guess This Game threads –which have recently switched over to Game Photography Contests – were always hilarious.

Notable capital S gifters : Samlii, IAmSinistar, Schnuff and sheesh, there is not enough time in the day to list all the amazing, generous gifters in the alphabet!

Smart & Snarky & Sweet awards: Tough choice - Smart goes to Spinorial, Snarky goes to Licurg and Sweet goes to Thespian*.

Amazing peeps of GOG: Everyone that contributes to making this forum a fun, funny, generous and amazing place –and if you aren’t named above, sadly, there is not enough space to list everyone! ;-p

~I reserve the right to continually edit as more research ensues~
~~Errors and omissions are entirely due to tired, old brains ;-p~~
Post edited November 23, 2013 by Momo1991