Ok, ok, already - major edit that also includes links ;-p
Spoderman has got my vote for being majorly informative about games and bundles - I may not always want to buy those but because he makes a point to post threads, I can be sure never to miss one that I do want!
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/frenchcows_the_french_game_bundle/post1 http://www.gog.com/forum/general/builder_bundle/post1 http://www.gog.com/forum/general/groupees_build_a_bundle_5/post1 http://www.gog.com/forum/general/indie_royale_the_debut_bundle/post1 Other notable
informants include
triock, SirPrimalForm, OmegaX, amok, dyscode, nijuu, Psyringe, IAmSinistar, BarryWoodward, BarefootMonkey and so many, many more… I especially love that
JMich seemingly lurks and then pounces with needed help!
Annual events: Nmillar for hosting the annual GOG Secret Santa and
wpegg for the bi-annual Nasty Giveaway. It’s good to see that GOG has a number of long-standing traditions!
Monthly & Weekly events: Rodzaju for his monthly “What will GOG do?”. I’ve given up guessing long ago but it’s always a fun read ;-)
Xyem for his weekly gifts and completely fun Dogma game –that was so much fun!
Lou for his birthday 50-week-long-gifting extravaganza. And sadly, among the missing –
Ian and Homer...:-(
Puzzle-makers Inscrutable: Austrobogulator and Novotnus – GAH! And
RadonGOG’s Guess This Game threads –which have recently switched over to Game Photography Contests – were always hilarious.
Notable capital S gifters : Samlii, IAmSinistar, Schnuff and sheesh, there is not enough time in the day to list all the amazing, generous gifters in the alphabet!
Smart & Snarky & Sweet awards: Tough choice - Smart goes to
Spinorial, Snarky goes to
Licurg and Sweet goes to
Amazing peeps of GOG: Everyone that contributes to making this forum a fun, funny, generous and amazing place –and if you aren’t named above, sadly, there is not enough space to list everyone! ;-p
~I reserve the right to continually edit as more research ensues~
~~Errors and omissions are entirely due to tired, old brains ;-p~~