I took my time thinking this one over, but anyway I twisted and turned it, the answer seemed inevitable. The Goglodyte of the year, to me, by a mile, then by another mile, would be
We spawned on the scene around the same time (the System Shock 2 smorgasbord), and ever since she's been omnipresent around here. Yes, she does giveaways, too many probably (and they tend to
snowball out of control, too :P), but that's not really why we love her. She takes part in various discussions, offers silly banter, and is able to go toe to toe with either a chimpy toe or a Vulcan- sorry, half-Vulcan toe. She always keeps a good humour around her, always eager to please and enliven (from her trademark
video ninja games, to delving into the mysteries of the
[url=https://secure.gog.com/forum/general/ninja_giveaway/post21341]sausage, but isn't too shy about sharing a piece of her own mind. Clearly, she has plenty to spare :P
With momo, it almost seems redundant to post links. Pick a page and she's there. She's not the loudest, or the most argumentative, or the most opinionated. But she strikes a balance of these that makes people pay attention. Ought to, anyway; this is still the internet. And through it all, she displays something genuinely rare: a heart. When she offers sympathy and understanding, you know it's the real deal.
It's really hard to compare and rank good people. There's quite a few of them, and they're very deserving of recognition, and they sure try hard to be friendly and involved, for no bigger reward than the satisfaction of a smiley; and perhaps I'm judging this wrongly, and my criteria are such that momo isn't just the Goglodyte of the year, but the Goglodyte of
any year. Well, so be it! I hope you all forgive me for the judgement. If not, at least remember the last time momo made you smile.
Better yet, just look in here:
https://secure.gog.com/account/messages. Wasn't that long ago, was it ;)