(I hope I did this right... :P)
Many thanks
The Sigil for making this nice giveaway, a good way to end the year as a thanks for a good member of the GOG community ^_^
I nominate
K_1269 for his originality and simply genius ways of making giveaways. Not only he had been very generous with us (everyone knows that by now), but also, he always make us think and work before nominating someone else or entering for ourselves. He always find the way to prove if the participants really want and deserve the prizes. He doesn't do simple giveaways, he actually do THE giveaways ^_^
He has always been very polite and kind, and also because I have no record if he had won something here, and if he did, I bet they have been very few or almost none... I say it's about time for him to win something, right? ;)
Here is one of his posts:
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/make_your_choice_giveaway/post1 Thanks, and Happy Holidays! ^_^
VampiroAlhazred: ...
Azrael is both amazingly nice and supportive, and he has the coolest avatar! xD
Many thanks for the kind words, VampiroAlhazred, they mean a lot ^_^
¡Felices Fiestas de Fin de Año! ;)