Syme: It didn't add anything, except all the stuff it added that you didn't like, so it didn't count.
Nice strawman, how about some valid argument next time?
Gragt: I haven't seen any evidence of these, but mostly petulance.
[Intelligence] It appears that witty repartee isn't your forte.
Mentalepsy: Kinda funny how Lucasarts used to be one of the most respected names in game development.
They aren't the only ones. Companies are basically a name and who they really are depends only of the people who belong to them. Some key people of LucasArts left over the time, enough so that the company is different from what it once was. Same thing happened with Bethesda. If you ask me, it's more fun to check people over time, because it's fun to see that most of them at best lost their touch or at worst went batshit insane. Think of Warren Spector, John Romero, Richard Garriot, Peter Molyneux or Cleveland Mark Blakemore to only name a few.
lotr-sam0711: Be happy that LucasArts is at least rereleasing these games. Now we have a way to get these old games.
They could have not released them at all.
Then again people are always going to find something to bitch about no matter what you do.
You rang?