Siannah: No, I'm absolutely not. Did you miss the ".... and no, this is not a threat." on purpose? I remember your "selective" memory concerning facts rather well.
What threats, I never threatened anyone, what are you talking about? You have to be more specific about selective memory as well, because like this it is just a baseless attack.
Siannah: How much I made sense or not, I won't judge her and yes, I have little doubt that JMich is a lot smarter than I am. Quite a few people are.
You did noy make any interesting points, and when I questioned you about them, you just stopped replying. You still can reply, the old thread is open. I am still intrigued about why you guys hate dislike Oblivions scaling, even though it does meet all your arguements pro level scaling. I know why I hate it, because level scaling sucks and the less of it the better. What about you?
Siannah: I've read said other topic. He took a stand on how he saw the situation and was confronted with facts that didn't correlated with his views. I can respect his standpoint, no matter if I agree or not. You can't. And you've proven it, time and time again.
Yes but that is not all he did, he was abrasive, rude, stubborn, and while I can respect and like those qualities he was most important of all: WRONG, so incredibly wrong, that even the guy he thought he was crusading for procedeed to mock him. I have never seen anyone so wrong here. Even then he did not gain any insights and post any apologies to the various people he insulted.
Siannah: That you're trying now to put me up as the offender here, claiming I'm on a vendetta / looking silly and ridiculous, while simultaneously failing to see your wrongdoing and trying to justify it, speaks volumes. And not good one.
No actually that is what you were doing to me, I just turned it around on you, because I thought your hypocrisy was too amazing to pass up.