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KneeTheCap: You do know there's no point trying to reason with Crosmando? You can't change his view and in the end, he'll just call you a [insertsomething]tard.
Option one is to say something when someone disses gamers. Option two is not to say something when someone disses gamers. Which one is what a gamer should choose?
I think I've never seen so many downrated posts in one thread o.0

You guys should game more and discuss less :D
Elenarie: I do find it lovely how you fanatics attack other people on a personal level when you can't find another way to counter one's argument.
I'm not a fanatic and this was not as much a reply to your statement as it was a comment on your general behaviour on the forums. You seem to only come by to annoy people with your permanent bitching, whether it's about the serivce or the community (which is an indirect insult to all the members currently/still active on the forums). Your posts make it pretty clear that you don't like this place so why even bother posting here? Your posts are neither constructive criticism nor interesting or fun conversation and you seem unhappy or even hurt whenever you get unfriendly replies - the only possible reasons for posting here must be masochistic in nature. So please, do yourself a favor, stop logging in and seek help!

Elenarie: Fact is, the website is crap and it goes down regularly during busy periods. No need for DDOS attacks when regular use makes it crap in its pants.
Fact is, the website works perfectly fine most of the time, the only times when things go to shit is during *some* of the busy periods you mentioned for which GOG has to fire up additional servers. So the website itself is not crap, they just underestimate the number of visitors they will get during some sales as well as the impact of such actions like the Insomnia Sale (which exceed their own expectations - which speaks for the company). It also means, however, that GOG is pretty sane about their number of servers most of the time. And btw., I've also had trouble accessing Steam many times without any DDOS attacks (but how can that be? they are SO professional! only the morons at GOG could have such issues!) so really, once again your posts are just baseless bitching.

JMich: Option one is to say something when someone disses gamers. Option two is not to say something when someone disses gamers. Which one is what a gamer should choose?
The question is not what gamers need, it's what gamers deserve. *dramatic exit*
Post edited January 05, 2014 by F4LL0UT
JudasIscariot: Hey guys, would it be too much to ask for some civility?
Apparently it is :-p

Can we get back to topic about DDoS attacks please?
Crosmando: Not really, console gamers deserve mockery.
JMich: No gamer deserves mockery. I don't care if you are a console gamer, a PC gamer, a casual gamer, a hardcore gamer, an FPS gamer, a pokemon gamer, a TBS gamer, a hentai gamer, a "must play everything" gamer or any other kind of gamer. Having grown up in a time when "Video Gamer" was reason to be mocked at school and knowing how it is to be mocked about it, I do not wish to mock any kind of gamer. So, did you grow during a different time (for gaming to be acceptable, that means after PS1 was introduced, so junior high during 1995?) or do you wish to inflict the same hurt unto others?

Refrain from mocking gamers. I don't care what they wish to play, a gamer is a gamer, and all gamers should be welcome here.
Get the hell out.

low rated
JMich: No gamer deserves mockery. I don't care if you are a console gamer, a PC gamer, a casual gamer, a hardcore gamer, an FPS gamer, a pokemon gamer, a TBS gamer, a hentai gamer, a "must play everything" gamer or any other kind of gamer.
Refrain from mocking gamers. I don't care what they wish to play, a gamer is a gamer, and all gamers should be welcome here.
Lmao, are you the PC police or what is wrong with you? Of course players need to be mocked! I mock my mom for playing browsergames, and I praise her for playing Heroes 3 for 15 years. I mock my sister for playing silly smartphone games and I praise her for playing Sensible Soccer. I mock myself for buying Diablo 3 because it was crazy stupid and I praise myself for nearly everything else.
But I mostly like to mock people who like level scaling. :D

Petrell: Can we get back to topic about DDoS attacks please?
No, the topic is hacking, not DDoS attacks. This thread hasn't been on topic from post 1.

Fenixp: Siannah, do carry on with this argument. At this pace, he might make an idiot out of himself again right in this thread, and I will have more gold to add to my collection of Jamotide quotes.
I love him, I love him, I love him, and where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow, he'll always be my true love,my true love,my true love that I never knew forever, forever, forever, I will follow him!
Post edited January 07, 2014 by jamotide
Crosmando: Not really, console gamers deserve mockery.
JMich: No gamer deserves mockery. I don't care if you are a console gamer, a PC gamer, a casual gamer, a hardcore gamer, an FPS gamer, a pokemon gamer, a TBS gamer, a hentai gamer, a "must play everything" gamer or any other kind of gamer. Having grown up in a time when "Video Gamer" was reason to be mocked at school and knowing how it is to be mocked about it, I do not wish to mock any kind of gamer. So, did you grow during a different time (for gaming to be acceptable, that means after PS1 was introduced, so junior high during 1995?) or do you wish to inflict the same hurt unto others?

Refrain from mocking gamers. I don't care what they wish to play, a gamer is a gamer, and all gamers should be welcome here.
No monkey deserves mockery. I don't care if you are a langur monkey, a capuchin monkey, a macaque monkey, a vervet monkey, a spider monkey, a blue monkey, a proboscis monkey, a squirrel monkey, a howler monkey or a baboon. Having grown up in a world where humans constantly mock monkeys and knowing how it is to be mocked, I do not wish to mock any monkey.
Post edited January 07, 2014 by monkeydelarge
jamotide: Of course players need to be mocked!
Good for you. You assume that you are better than others because of what you play. I will refrain from commenting further.
I came here for some interesting news that I hadn't heard. I stayed for the very unexpected entertainment. I've seen threads derail, but wow. Keep it up! I have popcorn in the microwave.

I keep waiting for a chair to fly across my screen, virtual Springer!
Post edited January 07, 2014 by vulchor
Reever: I think I've never seen so many downrated posts in one thread o.0

You guys should game more and discuss less :D
I agree I was downrepped for NOTHING! I didn't attack anyone, So why in gods name was I downrepped?!? I think there are some crazy Trolls Trolling here downrepping me and others I didn't do anything to anyone I want My second star back you trolling arse hole(s) you hear me! I worked Very hard to get my second star I take my Rep VERY SERIOUSLY thing is crossmando slagged off at people and Console gamers so why wasn't he downrepped to all buggery! no it seems everyone Likes to pick on POOR OLD Fr33kSh0w2012 I'm very pissed off right now. I'm Sorry I wasn't here guys but I was Playing BATMAN Arkham Origins that I picked up off of Steam for 25 bucks on sale for Christmas I finally Got something for myself I like how it's Based off the comics and not those god awful movies that don't do justice to it
Post edited January 07, 2014 by fr33kSh0w2012
low rated
JMich: Good for you. You assume that you are better than others because of what you play. I will refrain from commenting further.
Not really, that just amuses me. There are many more reasons than that for why I think I am better than others.
JMich: Good for you. You assume that you are better than others because of what you play. I will refrain from commenting further.
jamotide: Not really, that just amuses me. There are many more reasons than that for why I think I am better than others.
And again, good for you. I just hope those reasons aren't based on personal preference.
low rated
Yes it is very good for me, not sure what you mean by personal preference? And thank you for commenting further.
jamotide: Yes it is very good for me, not sure what you mean by personal preference?
If you assume you are better than someone else due to objective reasons (I'm a better weight lifter because I can lift more weights), then that is fine. If you assume you are better than someone else due to subjective reasons, aka personal preference (I'm a better weight lifter because I prefer blondes), then I do shake my head and walk on.

jamotide: And thank you for commenting further.
Yeap. Always willing to give more. Here, have some more rope.
I read that they also attacked Club Penguin! how could they stoop so low? lol, not sure what their trying to achieve.