Neobr10: And since when the forum is exclusive to PC games? This is a General Discussion forum, in case you haven't noticed
Sure, but this is also a site which exclusively sells DRM-free PC games. If a user comes here and then goes on to discuss only console games, it shows they are obviously on the wrong site. There's plenty of boards all over the net to discuss console games, which they can then go to litter with their "opinions".
And there is a huge difference between calling people "console gamer" and "consoletard", in case you haven't noticed.
Not really, console gamers deserve mockery. They willingly buy boxes of junk with inferior control methods (gamepads) which also have grossly inferior processing, memory and graphical power to a modern PC. They buy (and thus support) the most simplistic of button-mashing, twitch-driven mindless action games and shooters.
Sorry to break it to you, but being a console gamer is a sign of ignorance, anyone with adequate knowledge and the basic human intelligence to comprehend information knows that consoles, from every perspective, are inferior platforms to a modern desktop PC. If someone willingly buys and plays a console over a PC, it can only really be because they don't know any better.
It's not even an excuse from a price/money perspective, considering how cheaply one can put together their own PC by purchasing the parts separately over the net, and over the long term you save money because of cheaper games (via sales etc) on PC, and because you can simply upgrade and replace a certain part like the GPU when necessary.
I came accross a comment from you a few weeks ago on Youtube and even there you kept insulting people. You really don't know how to have a civil discussion.
Stalking me on YT now? I think there's a point when things go too far you know.